Shoreline of Infinity

     In 2016, after months of dropping my résumé with multiple companies in pursuit of some freelance work, I got an email back from Shoreline of Infinity. An award winning periodical magazine released online, throughout Scotland, and the UK--they feature science fiction stories, art, and book reviews. Which is right up my alley as I have always wanted to do book illustrations.
     Since then, I've had the pleasure of creating some of my most favorite published work. Starting with their 4th issue where I designed a piece for the short "geefourdotalpha" by Clive Tern, I have enjoyed capturing one tale after the next in single monumental moments.
     I love the intrigue a good drawing can provide. The way it assists the imagination without dictating what the reader must picture. I find them to be perfect companions in the overall experience of escaping to another far off distant place and time.
     What I also savor is the chance to experiment with different kind of styles. Sometimes I want the image to be very clean and crisp like a typical graphic print. Others, I want a rough--pencil or pen like--tone. I even give myself the chance to tackle painting techniques as I get back into my love for fantastic, romanticism, and realism.
     As a child, flipping through the pages of a good read always felt more impacting when a sketch accompanied it. I would spend hours just staring at the line work, the expressions, the hints within the shadows to see how the artist took the words on paper and transformed them into something that is technically without sound, yet says so much. If you had asked teenage me where I pictured myself in my mid thirties, being one of those talents doing exactly what I admire would not have been my answer.
     In fact, I recently got the opportunity to expand my creative side from story illustrations, to finally designing my first book cover. If you are a lover of sci-fi and poetry, please stop in and pick up--or pre-order--a copy of Multiverse; An International Anthology of Science Fiction Poetry. Wonderful wordsmiths have put down some truly amazing pieces well worth your time, and I am greatly humbled to be able to join them in this awesome venture.
     In parting, I am sharing some of my previous pieces from 2016 - 2017, below, for you to enjoy. I hope you find as much entertainment and curiosity in them as I have. That they leave you interested enough to seek out more works, for art has a way of reaching us all past the fabric of technology, to touch our very mind and souls.

Phantastes - Issue #5
A Visit At St. Nick - Issue #6
Walls of Tithonium Chasma - Issue #7


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